Thursday, May 12, 2011

Fun Survey I Made My Writing Student's Do...

So, I made my creative nonfiction students do this exercise last night, and I decided to do it with them, so they wouldn't think I was a big slacker. So, here are my answers. The (___)s mean that's where I filled in the blank with my unique response. ;)

1. I've always wanted to (go ice skating with a cute guy who is strong enough to hold me up. I can't skate for shit, but I just think that would be such a romantic date. He catches me every time I fall. We go warm up with some red wine. Then it's make out time!)

2. I'd be afraid to (be in a dark alley with Christopher Walken. I don't care what anyone says, that dude is freaky, and I still think he totally had something to do with Natalie Wood's death).

3. I never seem to have the time to (get started on my 2nd novel. It's in my head, I just need to start writing it out).

4. When I was a child, I loved to (act), but I haven't done it in years.

5. I think (bird watching) must be a fascinating hobby. (NOT! Seriously, birds freak me out.)

6. I think (dolphin training) must be a fascinating way to earn a living.

7. I think (hand modeling) must be a strange way to earn a living.

8. I think (freelance writing) must be an anxiety-ridden way to earn a living. (And, oddly enough, that's my goal right. Bring on the stress!)

9. I have no idea how (wine) is made (except from what I've seen on I Love Lucy).

10.  I eat (almonds) everyday, yet I have no idea where they come from.

11. I would sure like to see a (real Man vs. Food challenge! Of course, my ulterior motive would be to win Adam Richman over and then become his lovely girlfriend and travel companion).

12. I think (Davis Sq.) is probably the most interesting corner of my city. (Yeah, I know it's not really a corner.)

13. I've always meant to ask (my Gram) about her job.

14. I've always meant to ask (my dad) about his fishing hobby.

15. I wonder what (worms) taste, (but am in no hurry to find out).

16. I wonder what (sex) smells like. (People have told me it has a scent, but I've never smelled anything. Maybe I'm missing something? Or, perhaps it's been way too long. ahahah!)

17. I wonder what (true/soulmate/half-orange love) feels like. (And, I absolutely cannot wait to find out!) 

18. How does someone become qualified to (write a self-help book).

19. When I watch TV, I always wonder how someone ends up with such a job as (cue card holder).

20. I am obsessed with (all things mystical).

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